Evangelion 0.22 - Shinji does (not) Mean Business
Раздел: AMV Дата: 10.11.11
Комментарий авторов: This was the first joint project by PixelBlended Studios. This is the sequel to the popular AMV Evangelion 0.11 - Shinji is (Not) the Boss. With the initial vision and rough cut by l33tmeatwad, snapxynith joined in and handled all of the text and other effects for the project, adding a very much needed flare and visual punch to the video.
Аниме: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Музыка: Flight Of The Conchords - Business Time
Награды: Best Comedy и Best in Show на Otakon 2011, Best Comedy на AnimeFest 2011 (Dallas)
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