Demon Killer Kirito
Раздел: AMV Дата: 18.9.12
Комментарий автора: Well. I decided to give another shot at making a trailer. I actually had so much fun with this one. I used the audio from the new DMC game coming out with Sword Art Online. I also added the boing boing you hear in there to try and be a little original and to lighten it up a bit. I improvised over a piece of the audio cause I had no punching scenes (because of a lack of them in the anime) to do what I wanted to do.
All in all, I think it turned out great. Let me know what you guys think. I always love to hear your thoughts.
Автор: TwilightChrono
Аниме: Sword Art Online
Музыка: Devil May Cry 2013 Trailer Audio
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